Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Good-bye wave

Good-bye wave

As usual I was waiting, for the signal to go green.
And the mobility of road, to regain its lost sheen.

The vehicles hardly moved, from a distinct place.
They struggled as they could, to attain a pace.

I was in a rickshaw, as a creature patiently waiting.
Seemed as I were an object, in a still-life painting.

Looking out at a distance, hearing sounds and cacophony.
It very well turned out, to be a rhythm-less symphony.

Suddenly appeared from somewhere, a girl, a little road-side girl.
Her unfortunate life and times, gave my thoughts quite a swirl.

She begged, asked for alms, so precious for her, though.
Regardless for me to give, yet I told her: No

I looked at her, who might be seven or eight.
She looked up at me, pierced my eyes straight.

Her face had a feeling, compulsion in her begging arm.
Her deep, peeping eyes, brought a mystique charm.

Something to pass to her by me, for her sorrows to relieve.
Nowhere did I feel, that a penny, she forced me to give.

She was different, I felt, not from normal human forms.
Little apart from the nature, of general behavior norms.

I didn’t understand really, what was she all about.
Her unique self before the world, just created a doubt.

A compelled void in her heart, yet a smile on her face.
Was what made me pensive, at that chaotic place.

Wearing a half broken smile, she stood silent; didn’t move.
Nor did I force her away, neither decided to move.

But, the lights turned green, the wheels started grooving.
That little faultless girl, wasn’t  at all moving.

I looked back at her finally, 
as how was she to behave.
Her same asking hand changed, for me, 
to bid a good-bye wave.