Thursday, 26 June 2014


Like the dark clouds,
which predict the arrival of rain.
I can feel your arrival too,
with the longing and the pain.
And then suddenly comes bliss,
with the clouds having a fall.
Same as that, each and every time,
you make an unexpected call.

But now even if you don’t call,
I can feel you around me.
And I behave in my loneliness,
as if there you surround me.
About me, loneliness and my thoughts,
you may just seldom care.
Whenever you’ll need me,
recall me, I will be always there.

I am telling you this,
because, I can even now feel you.
The tapping of your feet,
the steps you take towards me,
this may happen at this moment,
O, may be or may not be.
And, then you’ll sit next to me,
I’ll tell you, all that I want to.
Believe me, its all from the heart,
each thing spontaneous, impromptu.

This way or the other, I think,
about you, every moment, everywhere.
And who in the world has time,
with reason about time to care.
I may look like a maverick,
but, I’m not really that mad.
I may not look smart enough,
but, I’m not really that bad.

The frequency, of my feelings,
that generate every second,
is genuine, like the word itself,
and frankly has no end.
The darkens clouds may shower,
in larger parts or just a few.
You think about me, or you don’t,
I’ll be just thinking about you.


So many years have passed, since then.
But seems as if its been just yesterday.
Though I remember few days vividly,
the rest are scattered and castaway.
Yet in the lonely timeless afternoons,
I ponder over, what’s gone by and past.
Everyone fades away in recap of images,
its me who remains in at last.

I go on to change the bygones,
the memories, possibly if I could.
Ah, they would not change nor move,
as if they are made from wood.
Now as they are, they remain with us,
to share with others and so on.
For what I couldn’t alter somehow,
I’ll just prefer to forget and move on.

I wouldn’t exchange those days,
with the illusions of west.
Or even with the mysteries of east,
because that’s the time, life was best.
Neither can they be traded with,
what are other worldly treasuries.
For reason that, the days are mine,
and they are my fond, lovely memories.